Dipool, Tuis Gebou ~ 70cm Dipole, Home Brewed

Krag Verspreider Tuis Gebou ~ Power Divider Home Brewed

4-Stapel Dipool tesame met die krag verspreider, voor herverwerking/4-Stacked Dipole incorporating power divider before refurbishing

Een van die herboude 70cm Dipole ~ One of the refurbished 70cm Dipoles

Gamma Aanpassing van naby ~ Gamma Match close up

Ek moes nog 'n foto opsit om te spog ~ I needed another picture to brag

Huisie vir PolyPhaser vir weerlig beskerming ~ Container for PolyPhaser for lightning protection

Nuwe huisie vir PolyPhasers vir weerlig beskerming ~ New container for PolyPhasers for lightning protection

Pye T-461_R-460 UHF Herhaler. Die herhaler het vreeslik warm geword in hierdie kas, agv die namiddag son, en ek moes hom verskuif na my motorhuis toe. Spesiale dank aan Johan Keulder, ZS6CAQ wat die herhaler vir ons herstel en getoets het ~ Pye T-461_R-460 UHF Repeater. The repeater became very hot in the container because of the afternoon sun, so I moved it into my garage. Special thanks to Johan Keulder, ZS6CAQ that repaired and tested the repeater for us

Die herhaler het vreeslik warm geword in hierdie kas, agv die namiddag son, en ek moes hom verskuif na my motorhuis toe. ~ The repeater became very hot in the container because of the afternoon sun, so I moved it into my garage.

Herboude gepoleerde 4-Stapel Dipool. Die swart isolasie band moet nog met "girtse" vervang word en koppelings moet nog waterdig geseël word. Girtse = kabelbinders want hy maak mos "GIRTS" as jy hom trek. ~ Refurbished buffed 4-Stacked Dipole. The black insulating tape must be replaced with cable ties and the connectors sealed with crimping sleeve.

Die herhaler en duplekser in my motorhuis. Spesiale dank aan Johan Lehmann, ZS6JPL wat vir ons goedgunstelik 'n TPL Communications PA6-1AE UHF versterker geskenk het. Nou is die uitsetkrag darem vanaf 5W op na 25Watt toe. ~ The repeater and duplexer in my garage. Special thanks to Johan Lehmann, ZS6JPL, who kindly donated a TPL Communications PA6-1AE UHF amplifier. Now the power output of 5W increased to 25Watt.

Beaarding vanaf PolyPhaser huisie na aardpen en boontoe na antenna toe ~ Earthing from PolyPhaser container to earth-spike and upwards to the antenna

Beaarding na die aardpen van naderby ~ Close up of the earthing towards earth spike

Beaarding vanaf PolyPhaser huisie na aardpen en boontoe na antenna toe ~ Earthing from PolyPhaser container to earthspike and upwards to the antenna

Bystands herhaler. Twee rug-teen-rug Kenwood TK-805's met duplekser en Alinco DM-330MVE kragbron. Spesiale dank aan SP ZR6SPD wat die herhaler vir ons gebou het. ~ Standby repeater. Two back-to-back Kenwood TK-805's with duplexer and Alinco DM-330MVE power supply. Special thanks to SP ZR6SPD who built the repeater for us.

Die voorspelde dekking van die herhaler, aldus "Radio Mobile". ~ The predicted coverage of the repeater according to "Radio Mobile".